The club held its AGM on Wednesday 31st August.
- Subscriptions held at £20 p.a for Adult Members and £10 for juniors (under 18 @ 1st September 2022)
- Committee positions: a)Chair – Dave Price – continues. b) Treasurer – David Hulme appointed as Neville Layhe retires. c) Secretary – Karl Lockett newly appointed to be assisted by David Hulme. d) Events – David Hulme to continue assisted by Harry Gardiner. e) Club steward newly appointed – Harry Gardiner. f) Club Librarian newly appointed – Neville Layhe.
- Club’s 8th Annual Time & Point Handicap to be held on Wednesday 14th September, commencing at 7.30pm prompt. Contact David Hulme for details and to register beforehand.
- New NSDCA League season to commence 3rd October. with two teams in each of three divisions. Teams to comprise 4 boards. More boards may be agreed with opposition. No team grade limits, with players unable to play for any lower team if playing on board 1 or bd 2. Cup competitions to commence in new year.
- Internal long-play events to start on Wednesday 7th September for all members interested – games to be graded, and ECF membership required in addition to club subscription. Members to be assigned to divisions based on ratings and previous winners to be promoted.
- Summer KO Tournament to be completed in September.
- Pre-season friendly arranged with Newcastle at The Mals on 21st September.
- Eight Trophies awarded and presented including the new Les Hall Memorial Trophy for the time & Point Handicap. See Honours List for details and photos to be added asap.