Some photos from the 2024 AGM.

(the interesting bit of the AGM).

Lukasz Michalek won the Les Hall memorial trophy. Lukasz is the first player to win this handsome piece of silverware twice.

Steve Ballantyne’s team won the NSDCA Division 4 title by a mile. Steve suprised us all when he presented each player on his team with a trophy. Nice touch Steve. My team got nowt from me.

Dave Lambton captained the “D” team to collect the NSCDA Division 2 trophy.

The “D”s looking a bit chuffed. On a sad note, the club will no longer be uplifted by the ready smile of Joe Moxon, on the right of this picture, as he is going back to Nottingham.

The “A” team thought they had won the league, but they hadn’t. Crewe did however win the Open Cup for the first time; see below as modelled by the team captain.

Jamie Roberts collected the Junior Player of the Year, was part of the Division 4 winning team, and he won Club Individual Division 3 title. Lucky his dad was there to help him carry all the trophies home.

Welcome newcomer, Finlay C, won his first club competition; the Individual u1600 Rapidplay.

Julian; 2023 Summer U1600 KO winner, and plum farmer.

There have been calls for an investigation into how the next one happened. Chairman Price won the Club Individual Division 2 title. Did money change hands?

Aaannd the big one…. Harry won the the club championship, again.

Some photos from the 2024 WC Cup, held at St Mary’s 16/07/24.

Crewe and Wallasey compete for the WC Cup once a year. As usual, the secretary has plenty to say before any match starts. The players wait patiently…maybe.


Opening moves. In the background you can see Gerald getting the butties laid out. There was a generous spread; all organised by Chairman Price.


Martin “sounds a bit like Fischer” Frisher played a belter of a game. When we expand our limited IT skills we might get to put the game on here. Until then you will just have to believe me when I say it was good. If you want to know anything about Fischer, just ask our Martin F. (he is the one in the black jacket)

Chinenye in action. Unfortunately he lost his game; but that shirt is gorgeous.

Jamie Roberts hung on for a draw against Mark Burgess.

Simon Layhe drew with Rick Purcell. Here is Simon being watched by his dad. Hard to say if Nev approves of Simon’s position or not.

Bit of a dodgy picture of the team captains, Dave and Alan. They kept dancing about, and I am no David Bailey. Hope you get the idea that they had a great evening. We all appreciate their efforts in organising such a special event.

The 2024 WC Cup winning team…Wallasey. Well done!


Number one again – Harry style


In the 2023-24 season Harry Gardiner won the club championship for the second time. He has set a record that may prove hard to beat; he scored an amazing 10 points out of a possible 11; winning nine games and drawing two. Carmel, Cyrus and Dave Lambton trailed behind in joint second on 7.5 points; H beat them all on the way to victory. Harry is pictured above, getting ready for a game at St Mary’s, while Dave L looks on.