| | | |
87 | 2024/25 | H Team | NSDCA Division 4 winners |
86 | 2024/25 | B Team | NSDCA Division 1 winners |
85 | 2024 | Bartosz Fajfer | Club Award - Summer KO Open Winner |
84 | 2024 | Oskar Jarzynski | Club Award - Summer KO Major Winner |
83 | 2024 | Nathan Fourie | Club Award - Summer KO Intermediate Winner (after play-off) |
82 | 2024 | David Lambton | Club Award - Annual Time & Point Handicap winner |
81 | 2024 | SCS A team | South Cheshire Shield Winners |
80 | 2023/24 | Cyrus Pereira | Club Award player of the Year |
79 | 2023/24 | Jamie Roberts | Club Award Junior player of the Year |
78 | 2023/24 | Martin Burns | Club Award - Open Swiss Rapidplay winner |
77 | 2023/24 | Finlay Charbonneau | Club Award - U1600 Swiss Rapidplay winner |
| 2023/24 | Harry Gardiner | Club Award - Division 1 Championship Winner |
75 | 2023/24 | Dave Price | Club Award - Division 2 Championship Winner |
74 | 2023/24 | Jamie Roberts | Club Award - Division 3 Championship Winner |
73 | 2023/24 | D team | NSDCA Division 2 Winners |
72 | 2023/24 | Open KO Team | NSDCA Open KO Winners |
71 | 2023/24 | G Team | NSDCA Division 4 Champions |
70 | 2023 | Carmel Barwick | Club Award - Summer Open KO Winner |
69 | 2023 | Julian Bulbeck | Club Award - Summer U1600 KO Winner |
68 | 2023 | Lukasz Michalek | Club Award Time & Point Handicap (2nd time) |
67 | 2022/23 | Carmel Barwick | Club Award player of the Year |
66 | 2022/23 | Oskar Jarzynski | Club Award Junior player of the Year |
65 | 2022/23 | Carmel Barwick | Club Award - Swiss Rapidplay winner |
64 | 2022/23 | Carmel Barwick | Club Award - Division 1 Championship Winner |
63 | 2022/23 | Pawel Stanny | Club Award - Division 2 Championship Winner |
62 | 2022/23 | Phil Grocott | Club Award - Division 3 Championship Winner |
61 | 2022/23 | U1825 Cup Team | NSDCA Major Cup Winners |
60 | 2022/23 | A Team | NSDCA Division 1 Champions |
59 | 2022/23 | U1375 Cup Team | NSDCA Perry Trophy winners |
58 | 2022 | Simon Layhe | Club Award Summer Knockout Winner |
57 | 2022 | Lukasz Michalek | Club Award Time & Point Handicap |
56 | 2021/22 | Nigel Gardner | Club Award player of the Year |
55 | 2021/22 | Oskar Jarzynski | Club Award Junior player of the Year |
54 | 2021/22 | Oskar Jarzynski and Mike Keenan | Club Award Division 3 Joint Winners |
53 | 2021/22 | Nigel Gardner | Club Award Divsion 2 Winner |
52 | 2021/22 | Harry Gardiner | Club Award Division 1 Winner |
51 | 2021/22 | Jarek Czyz | Club Award Swiss Rapidplay Winner |
50 | 2021/22 | D Team | NSDCA VMS League Winners |
49 | 2021 | Harry Gardiner | Club Award Summer Tournament Winner (Long-play) |
48 | 2021 | Harry Gardiner | Club Award for Time & Point Handicap Winner |
47 | 2020/21 | Lukasz Michalek | Club Award for Player of the Year (online) |
46 | 2021 | George Bulbeck | Club Award for Under 80’s Online Longplay |
45 | 2020 | Harry Gardiner, David Hulme and Lukasz Michalek | Club Award for Division 1 Online Summer Rapidplay joint winners |
44 | 2020 | Kobus Nienaber | Club Award for Division 2 Online Summer Rapidplay champion |
43 | 2019/20 | Kobus Nienaber | Club Award for Player of the Year |
42 | 2019/20 | Harry Gardiner | Club Award for Junior Player of the Year |
41 | 2020 | Nigel Gardner | Club Award for Time & Point Handicap Winner (online) |
40 | 2019 | Bartosz Fajfer | Club Award for Time & Point Handicap Winner |
39 | 2018/19 | Bartosz Fajfer | Club Award for Player of the Year |
38 | 2018/19 | Harry Gardiner | Club Award for Junior Player of the Year |
37 | 2018/19 | Bartosz Fajfer | Club Award for Long-play Division 1 champion |
36 | 2018/19 | Nigel Gardner and Lukasz Michalek | Club Award for Long-play Division 2 joint winners |
35 | 2018/19 | A Team | NSDCA Division 2 Winners |
34 | 2018/19 | B Team | NSDCA Division 3 Winners (retained and 3rd in 4 yrs) |
33 | 2018/19 | E Team | NSDCA Division 5 Winners (retained) |
32 | 2018/19 | U150 Cup | NSDCA Major Cup Winners |
31 | 2018/19 | U130 Team | NSDCA Intermediate Cup Winners (retained for 3rd yr in row) |
30 | 2018 | Bartosz Fajfer | Club Award for Rapid-play Division 1 champion |
29 | 2018 | Lukasz Michalek | Club Award for Rapid-play Division 2 champion |
28 | 2018 | Open Team | Newcastle Jamboree Winners |
27 | 2018 | U130 Team | Newcastle Jamboree Winners |
26 | 2018 | Rick Renegade | Club Award Time and Point Handicap Winner |
25 | 2017/18 | Amy Lovatt | Club Award player of the Year |
24 | 2017/18 | Amy Lovatt | Club Award Junior player of the Year |
23 | 2017/18 | U130 Team | NSDCA Intermediate Cup Winners (retained) |
22 | 2017/18 | B Team | NSDCA Division 3 Winners |
21 | 2017/18 | E Team | NSDCA Division 5 Winners |
20 | 2017 | Crewe A | South Cheshire Shield Winners |
19 | 2017 | Rick Renegade | Club Award Summer Rapid-play Winner |
18 | 2017 | U130 Team | Newcastle Jamboree Winners |
17 | 2017 | Rich Wiltshir | Club Award Time and Point Handicap Winner |
16 | 2016/17 | U130 Team | NSDCA Intermediate Cup Winners |
15 | 2016/17 | U110 Team | NSDCA Perry Trophy Winners (retained) |
14 | 2016/17 | Martin Gill | Club Award player of the Year |
13 | 2016/17 | Amy Lovatt | Club Award Junior player of the Year |
12 | 2016/17 | Harry Gardiner | Club Award Junior Tournament Winner |
11 | 2016 | Rich Wiltshir | Club Award Summer Rapid-play Winner |
10 | 2016 | Lukasz Holcman | Club Award Time and Point Handicap Winner |
9 | 2015/16 | B Team | NSDCA Division 3 Winners |
8 | 2015/16 | U110 Team | NSDCA Perry Trophy Winners |
7 | 2015/16 | Wirral Team | Wirral League Division 2 Winners |
6 | 2015/16 | Rich Wiltshir | Club Award Player of the Year |
5 | 2015/16 | Steve Ballantyne | Club Award Winter Tourney Winner |
4 | 2015/16 | U141 Team | Staffs County Jackson Cup Winners |
3 | 2015 | Crewe | South Cheshire Shield Winners |
2 | 2015 | Christoph Kammerer | Club Award Summer Tournament Winner (Long-play) |
1 | 2015 | Greg Willet | Club Award Time and Point Handicap Winner |
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