Crewe Congress Mornflake Stadium 2023
More Photos to follow
Mornflake Sponsored our event with some excellent food and goody bags
Photos by Brendon
First Night at our new venue Tuesday 6th June it was a full house
Crewe move to a new venue after 9 good years at the Mal’s Club
Our new home St Mary’s Caritas Centre, 65 Delamere Street, Crewe, CW1 2jx
Shropshire Junior Congress 2024: U12’s : Rapid 🐇 18th Mar 2024
Oskar Jarzynski proudly displaying his medal and Shropshire Junior trophy
A fantastic full house at the Mals – 14th September 2022
Another record attendance at The Mals yesterday, as our favorite annual event took place to compete for the “Les Hall Memorial Trophy”
Full house at the Malls
Lukasz and Amy in the playoff final
Oskar v Phil and Lukasz v Jakub
Doug v Martin B and George B v Karl
Bart v Rick and Harry v Amy
Trophies and presentations 2022 AGM
Lots of internal trophies handed out again this year
Harry Gardiner proudly displaying is array of trophies.
Les Hall Memorial Cup for winning the time and point handicap, division 1 winner
and Summer Tournament Long-play winner
Young Oskar on the wall of fame
Nigel Gardner winner of division 2
Oskar Joint winner Division 3
Harry Gardiner the first winner of the Les Hall memorial trophy
Oskar scored an impressive 6 points from 6 games competing in the U10 Megafinals
Oskar proudly displaying his trophy
Full results
Oskar Proudly displaying his Medal for joint first in his first Junior Congress. visit Crewe 13/04/2022
Also on the same night we had round 5 and 6 of our internal rapid play tournament
Lukas v Harry
Please support using link below
Blackpool Congress 2022
A common quote at our club, herding cats springs to mind with 12 players from Crewe at Blackpool we new it was never going to be easy getting all 12 players together. After several attempts we managed to capture 9 of 12
Earlier attempts Show two more Crewe players missing from the above picture.

The Happy times with Les Hall May 2021
Les Hall and Dave Price at the Blue Bell Kidsgrove
Lukasz Michalek, Harry Gardiner, Simon Layhe and Les Hall all winners at the Newcastle Mini congress
Do You Know this Man ?
Player looking for a new way to win internal games.
After several attempts to to win games in division 1
One of our new players decided to use drastic measures and have a face enhancement to make him look like Popeye.
A very busy night at our AGM
Trophies above include NSDCA Winners division 2, 3 and 5. Under 150 and under 130 cups
Wirral player of the year, club player of the year, junior player of the year.
Long play, rapid play division 1 and two and the time and point handicap.
3 Crewe players were invited to the annual UK v EU challenge match held at Fenton
Bart Fajfer and Lukasz Michalek playing for EU and Doug Barnett for the UK
EU won 5.5 – 2.5
Bartosz Fajfer against Micheal Hancock
Alberto Gissi v Doug Barnett
Lukasz Michalek v Clive Ferry
Full results UK v EU
Crewe Conquer Newcastle Mini Congress
Crewe Players from back left Simon, Dave P, Nigel,Karl,Les, Ben, Front row Rich (non player ) Lukasz and Harry
Joint first in the Newcastle congress
Harry Gardiner Simon Layhe and Les Hall all scoring 4 out of 5 in the under 130 section.
Lukasz Michalek winner of the under 100 section
At the Newcastle Congress with 4.5 out of 5 ponits
Harry Gardiner Winner of the Minor Section of the Crewe Congress with an impressive 5 out of 5
Simon Layhe (far right) receiving prize as joint winner of the 2018 Rapid-play Congress in the Minor Section.
One of several photos from our 2018 Club Blitz Night on 23rd May. Nigel Gardner (partly-obscured) playing Josh Cross; Phil Wright playing the hidden Mike Keenan and Harry Gardiner (with cap) playing Reinhard Haack (also hidden) and the two bald (wise-men?) in the background Dave Price and tournament controller David Hulme.
Round 3 of the Blitz night 23rd May 2018 – Rick Renegade waiting for opponent, Simon Layhe (obscured) playing father Neville Layhe; Julian Bulbeck leaning forward to play Ola Titiloye; Phil Wright (partly obscured) playing Karl Lockett.
Round 2 of the Blitz night 23rd May 2018 – from L to R – Reinhard Haack vs Harry Gardiner; Mike Keenan vs Phil Wright; Lukasz Michalek vs Richard Hind under the watchful eye of the Controller.
All ready for the Armageddon Play-off for the 2018 Blitz Trophy between Rick Renegade (on left) and Julian Bulbeck, with Mike Keenan watching from the left and Reinhard Haack on the right.
Harry Gardiner with his first congress win at the Newcastle mini congress. He had a clean sweep with 5 points.
Phil Wright in jubilant mood collecting the kangaroo prize at The Newcastle Mini-congress in April 2018.
Christoph Kammerer (on left) receiving congratulations from club chairman Dave Price on winning 2015 Summer Long-play tournament (the club’s first ever internal long-play tournament)
David Hulme playing Steve Ballantyne, with Martin Gill playing Rakshpal Khandekar during the 2015 Club Blitz night.
Doug Barnett playing a friendly game whilst being watched by Dave Hulme
Chess on the square Crewe
Les Hall, Neville Layhe and Dave Price Promoting Chess on Crewe Square with two Cheshire east councillors.