Crewe’s 7th (Long play) Congress took place over the weekend 28-30 June at the superb Mornflake Stadium, home of Crewe Alex FC.
Our club made up over 15% of the 199 players involved, with members in each of the four sections (Open, Major U1950, Inter U1700, Minor U1450). The Congress Committee had set a maximum limit of 200 players which had been met nearly 4 weeks before the start date, but with late withdrawals found ourselves one short.
With over 30 club members in the Congress there was hope of a few prize winners – with 17 up for grabs.
As it turned out we had just one prize winner – the only player in the whole congress to score 100% – 12 year old Oskar Jarzynski, who was ranked 45th out of 70 players in the Intermediate section. Each opponent was rated much higher than Oskar, with the Swiss Manager Program showing a performance rating of 2421 for the event !
Congratulations to Oskar.