Wirral Team earn draw in relegation fight

The Wirral team picked up a glorious half point from tonight’s drawn match against Chester B. Luck smiled on us as our opponents were missing two of their top three players graded 198 and 185. Still heavily outgraded on 3 boards it was a surprise result and a bonus in the relegation battle. An early win on board 4 for Ola against a loose Scandinavian set us on our way before David Hulme was outgunned on top board. Neville Layhe took a kind draw offer when a pawn down in an endgame but was probably fair value. Chris on board 5 missed a chance to trap a knight which may have given him a draw but it was not to be against his 140 grade opponent. Meanwhile Karl forced a superb win on board 2 as he put his opponent under immense positional and time pressure. Next week we face a Wallasey 2 team in fine form already secure in mid table and outperforming their big brothers Wallasey 1. This draw takes Crewe off the bottom of the table temporarily but still in need of further points.

See link below for latest Wirral League Tables
